S. Darfur governor to enforce inter-Arab peace

Abdel Hamid Musa Kasha, Governor of the State of South Darfur, warned tribes against violating the code of honor and social peace signed under the auspices of the State last week during the visit of President Omar Al Bashir. He vowed to strike without mercy at any who violate the charter. The inter-Arab war in Darfur has been particularly intense in parts of South Darfur including Kass Locality, between Rizeigat and Misseriya – but also involving other smaller tribes.

Abdel Hamid Musa Kasha, Governor of the State of South Darfur, warned tribes against violating the code of honor and social peace signed under the auspices of the State last week during the visit of President Omar Al Bashir. He vowed to strike without mercy at any who violate the charter. The inter-Arab war in Darfur has been particularly intense in parts of South Darfur including Kass Locality, between Rizeigat and Misseriya – but also involving other smaller tribes.

