S. Darfur assemblymen demand more funds from Khartoum

The State Legislature of South Darfur yesterday suspended its second session in protest of lack of funding from the central government. Some legislators are opposed to the decision by a fiscal allocation and monitoring commission from Khartoum to reduce the state budget. The commission also refused to adopt a report by the state committee of experts on allocation of revenues.

The State Legislature of South Darfur yesterday suspended its second session in protest of lack of funding from the central government. Some legislators are opposed to the decision by a fiscal allocation and monitoring commission from Khartoum to reduce the state budget. The commission also refused to adopt a report by the state committee of experts on allocation of revenues. The state budget committee reported that it is entitled to 19 million per month, but instead was given 5.65 million per month, which created a fiscal deficit in the state. Legislators cited the lack of development in the state and the threat of tribal conflicts and armed movments, saying these factors have terribly deteriorated infrastructure and services to citizens.

In a strongly worded statement, the legislative council voiced anger and resentment at the central government over its policies toward the state. The legislature has formed a delegation to meet top leaders in Khartoum including the Vice President of the Republic.

On Wednesday in Nyala, South Darfur, members of the Legislative Council, speaking in the presence of the state governor, threatened to resign in the event of non-response from the central government.

