Refugees in Chad welcome unification of resistance

Sudanese refugees in Eastern Chad yesterday welcomed the efforts of the rebel groups (JEM, LJM, SLA-MM and SLA-AW) in Doha and Kampala towards coordination and unification of the resistance in Darfur.

Sudanese refugees in Eastern Chad yesterday welcomed the efforts of the rebel groups (JEM, LJM, SLA-MM and SLA-AW) in Doha and Kampala towards coordination and unification of the resistance in Darfur. The refugees called on the different groups to quickly accomplish the unification, or at least reach to an agreement to unify in speech and vision for Darfur, to either negotiate or go to war. The refugees told Radio Dabanga in an interview that unity is what they have wanted over the past years as it is the only way to resolve the crises in Darfur.  

In Darfur the displaced in the IDP camps also welcomed the ongoing talks to unify and coordinate the Darfurian rebel groups. The IDPs said that unity is necessary in order to achieve the demands of the people of Darfur, to end the war and bring peace and development of the region. The IDPs also urged the leaders of the groups to work on genuine and sustainable unity based on clear principles, and not to just use unity as a temporary tactic.

