Rapes, killings, and armed robberies continue in Darfur

Gunmen in Darfur (File photo)

A group of gunmen attacked displaced people in North Darfur on Sunday. They raped a girl and beat up the others. On Saturday, a villager was killed inside his farm in South Darfur. Four others were wounded in attacks in East and Central Darfur.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga from Kabkabiya, Adam Juma reported that the gunmen intercepted a group of displaced people on their way from Sortony camp to El Ahtab, seven km west of Sortony.

The attackers severely beat the victims and gang-raped a 13-year-old girl. The victims were taken to the Sortony Hospital.

On Saturday, a farmer was shot dead inside his farm by a group of gunmen in the area of Dogo Dasa in ​​Shataya, South Darfur.

A resident of the area told Radio Dabanga that the same gunmen burned 36 homes west of Dogo Dasa, which led to the displacement of a number of villagers.

In El Daein, capital of East Darfur, three people were wounded in an armed robbery on Saturday evening, a listener reported.

Three armed men wearing military uniforms intercepted a passenger vehicle that just arrived at Ed Daein from Dar Es Salaam. They shot at the vehicle, which resulted in the injury of one of the passengers, while two others sustained varying injuries when they were beaten. They attackers than robbed the passengers of all their belongings.

Secondary school student Nasreddin Haroun (18) was hit by a bullet in his neck in Nierteti, Central Darfur, on Saturday evening.

Adam Okar told Radio Dabanga that gunmen lured Haroun “who studies at the Western Secondary School for Boys, to the valley at 11:00 pm on Saturday and shot him in the neck”. A complaint was filed with the police in Nierteti. The victim was transferred to a hospital in Nyala.

