Protests across Sudan continue despite ‘coup force’ blockades

Mass demonstrations in response to the calls of Sudan’s various resistance committees, took place in Khartoum as well as numerous cities in the eastern, northern, and central regions of the country yesterday, demanding the overthrow of coup authorities and full civilian rule.
The Khartoum March of the Millions, which followed routes determined by the resistance committees, proceeded to the Republican Palace. Protestors chanted in support of the Northern State movements’ efforts to close the northern road, Sheryan El Shimal (northern artery road), which connects Egypt with Sudan at various points.

Protest march in Khartoum yesterday (Social media - @MhmdElobaid)

Mass demonstrations in response to the calls of Sudan’s various resistance committees, took place in Khartoum as well as numerous cities in the eastern, northern, and central regions of the country yesterday, demanding the overthrow of coup authorities and full civilian rule.

The Khartoum Marches of the Millions, which followed routes determined by the resistance committees, proceeded to the Republican Palace. Protestors chanted in support of the Northern State movements’ efforts to close the highway leading to the Egyptian border, the Sheryan El Shimal (Northern Artery).

Demonstrators from Omdurman told Radio Dabanga that mass demonstrations against coup authorities took place on El Arbaeen street. Military forces pre-empted the processions and closed the Mak Nimr bridge, linking Khartoum and Khartoum North, with shipping containers and barbed wire.

Additionally, police forces were deployed on the El Musalmiya bridge near the entrance of central Khartoum, where they carried out extensive searches on demonstrators. Two protesters were also arrested in Kassala in eastern Sudan.

The Khartoum state Security Committee have announced a ban on gatherings in central Khartoum.

‘Mass injuries’

Sudanese medical sources say that four protesters were wounded in Omdurman by live ammunition. The Socialist Doctors Association in Sudan reported that the coup authorities confronted Monday’s processions with excessive violence, using live ammunition, rubber bullets and tear gas, leading to 63 injuries of varying severity.

The doctors said that one patient was admitted from the Khartoum demonstrations to El Jawdah Hospital in critical condition. Other medical sources reported four injuries attributed to bullet wounds in Khartoum, along with one instance of a protestor sustaining a head injury from a tear gas cannister.

