Protesters deliver memo of demands to West Kordofan military commander

The forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change in Babanusa in West Kordofan have called on the military authorities to carry out all the demands they made after the march on Sunday.

Sudan uprising poster (Forces for Freedom and Change)

The forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change  in Babanusa in West Kordofan have called on the military authorities to carry out all the demands they made after the march on Sunday.

A member of the forces of Freedom and Change in Babanusa told Radio Dabanga that they raised a memorandum to the commander of the 89th Infantry Division after a march on Sunday to the military garrison.

He pointed out that the memorandum included local and national demands such as hand over of power to a civilian government and the restriction of the role of the Sudan Armed Forces in protecting the people and not ruling

He said the memorandum also demanded the arrest of all figures of the former regime, the cessation of war in the country and the immediate release of all prisoners of war.

At the state level, the memorandum demanded the dissolution of the National Congress Party in West Kordofan, dissolving all its unions, suspending the security apparatus and seizure of its assets until it is restructured.

South Kordofan

In South Kordofan, the forces of Freedom and Change announced a march on Tuesday in support of the march of the employees of the University of Delling.

A member of the forces of freedom in Delling told Radio Dabanga that they will continue their peaceful activities against the regime until all the demands of the Sudanese people.

Blue Nile

In Ed Damazin in Blue Nile state, the forces of Freedom and Change announced three protest marches in support of the sit-ins in the country and in support of the decision of the Sudanese Professionals Association to suspend negotiations with the Transitional Military Council.

Protesters told this station from the Blue Nile state capital that the town witnessed three protest marches on Sunday: one by agricultural engineers, another one by irrigation engineers of El Roseiris Dam and another by the veterinaries. They all arrived at the sit-in in front of the army command in Ed Damazin where they delivered a political speech in support of the decisions of Sudanese Professionals Association to suspend negotiations with the Transitional Military Council until all demands would be met.


The forces of Freedom and Change have reaffirmed that they will not accept any connection to the old totalitarian regime nor negotiate with a coup authority representing “a new old order”.

In a statement on Monday, the allied opposition forces headed by the Sudanese Professionals Association confirmed that they will not accept the extension of Sudan’s military rule with another military rule.

They announced the suspension of communication with the Transitional Military Council. They gave their vision early to the Council’s Political Committee, that is studying it, together with the visions presented by other political forces.

They announced a march by professionals to the General Command of the Sudan Armed Forces in Khartoum on Tuesday and announced they plan to mobilise two million people to attend the announcement of the names “of all structures of the Interim Civil Authority” on Thursday.


The statement stressed the continuation of the sit-ins in front of the General Command of the Sudan Armed Forces and army units and garrisons in other parts of the country, while continuing all the tools of peaceful struggle in succession until the goals of the Declaration of Freedom and Change have been achieved.

The Transitional Military Council stressed in a statement on Monday that it is in contact with all political forces to bring the views closer to the desired consensus on the requirements of the ‘transitional period’ after which elections will be organised, the naming of a Prime Minister and the formation of the civil government as soon as possible.

The Council’s Political Committee is now analysing the visions it has received, including the vision of the forces of Freedom and Change, accompanied by the results of meetings with university professors and thinkers through which these results will be handed to an expanded committee of all political parties, social groups and armed movements to determine the conditions and criteria for selection and identification of powers, authorities and horizontal relations and then choose the prime minister, civilian ministers and government and the arrangements of an Interim Legislative Council without the tutelage of a Military Council.


In South Darfur, the Sudanese Professionals Association and the forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change handed over a memorandum to the military governor of the state declaring support for a 4-year period, the handover of power to a sovereign council that includes representatives of the Association and other signatories of the Declaration of Freedom and Change with military representation, along with the formation of a civilian government with broad powers.

The memorandum called for dissolving the National Congress Party and dismantling its security and political apparatuses (dissolving the popular committees and unions loyal to the National Congress Party (NCP) and removing its members from civil service departments and regular forces), as well as restoring the dismissed for public interest in all state facilities.

The memorandum also called for the restructuring of the security apparatus, the arrest of all NCP cadres and leaders accused of working with cross-border smuggling gangs in drug trafficking, human trafficking, weapons and money laundering.

At the state level, the memorandum demanded the arrest of members of the NCP, who are suspected of corruption, stealing people's money, managing and fuelling inter-tribal conflicts, and dismantling and disarming the various government militias in South Darfur, collecting weapons and restricting them only to the Sudan Armed Forces, in addition to protecting the displaced and not dismantling their camps and keeping them intact until a comprehensive settlement is reached for the Darfur crisis.

Port Sudan

On Monday, Port Sudan witnessed three protest marches to the sit-in in front of the army command in support of the sit-ins in the country.

Yesterday, one of the protesters told Radio Dabanga that the forces of Freedom and Change Declaration in Port Sudan announced their continuation in the sit-in in support of the decision of the Sudanese Professionals Association to suspend the negotiations with the Transitional Military Council and continue the movement until the fulfilment of the full demands.

He explained that the residents of the airport district removed a banner on a school in the name of President Omar Al Bashir and replaced it with the name of teacher Ahmed El Kheir, who was tortured to death by security officers in Khashm El Girba in February.


The forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change in Sennar state announced that they will not enter into negotiations with the authorities in the state in line with the decisions of the Sudanese Professionals Association on Sunday evening.

A member of the forces of Freedom and Change in Singa, capital of Sennar, told Radio Dabanga that they had suspended their meeting with the military commander in Singa on Monday until further notice, in support of the decisions of the Sudanese Professionals Association on Sunday that stipulated suspending negotiations with the Transitional Military Council, and continue the “patient protest movement” until all demands are met, pointing to the increased number of people at the sit-in in front of the 17th Infantry Division.


On Monday afternoon, hundreds of Sudanese bank employees in Khartoum marched to the sit-in in front of the General Command of the Sudan Armed Forces in solidarity with the revolutionary movement in the country.

They raised slogans calling for the restoration of democracy and the rule of law for a bright future for future generations and the dissolution of bank unions.

They also called on the responsible authorities to take the necessary measures that would reduce the living burden on the citizens and lift all forms of injustice in general and called on the citizens to deposit their money in the banks (no matter how small), raising the slogan: (If you have, just deposit .. if not, you may withdraw).

The march moved from Tabiya Street in front of the General Command Gate, through the command of the Marine and Air Staffs to the Sudanese Banks Union.

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