Port Sudan police releases election candidates

The six detained independent candidates are released against the backdrop of protests at polling centres in Port Sudan. Their agents remain detained.

The security apparatus arrested six agents of independent candidates in Red Sea state on Thursday, but released the six detained candidates, against the backdrop of protests at polling centres in Port Sudan.

Mohamed Mohamed Nur, who is standing for election, said that following his release, the police did not file any complaint against him. “They accused me of tearing papers of voter registration at Deim Arab, instead.”

The police told him that the released candidates should arrive to the police station when requested. They did not release one agent of one of the candidates from detention.

A protest by the independent candidates’ supporters erupted on Wednesday when the Red Sea state reportedly transported a large group of policemen, fire fighters, and prison guards in Port Sudan to cast their ballots in constituency 8, Deim Arab district.

The protesters tried to prevent them from entering the district, on the grounds that their names were not listed in the election records, but the forces cordoned off the streets and used tear gas to reach the polling centre, according to the deputy head of the Beja Congress party.

The official three-day voting process was extended with one day, until yesterday. Two presidential candidates have so far announced their withdrawal, in protest against what they called serious violations of the electoral law, including irregularities at the polling centres.

