Policeman, herder slain in clash near North Darfur’s Tabit

A police officer and a herder were killed in a clash south of Tabit in Tawila locality on Tuesday. On Wednesday, two farmers were kidnapped in the area.
On Tuesday, a force of policemen, paramilitaries of the Popular Defence Forces, and native administration leaders left Shangil Tobaya following reports of farmers in Um Teriteira about assaults by militant herders.

A police officer and a herder were killed in a clash south of Tabit in Tawila locality on Tuesday. On Wednesday, two farmers were kidnapped in the area.

On Tuesday, a force of policemen, paramilitaries of the Popular Defence Forces, and native administration leaders left Shangil Tobaya following reports of farmers in Um Teriteira about assaults by militant herders.

Multiple sources told Radio Dabanga that the herdsmen attacked the force when it arrived at the area. Police sergeant Awad Mousa and one of the attackers were shot dead. Another member of the force, and two herders were injured.

“The following day, another force composed of policemen and paramilitaries from Dar El Salam, Kalamindo, and Shangil Tobaya moved to the scene to contain the situation,” one of the sources added.

On Wednesday morning, a group of herders intercepted Sara Yagoub (41) and Fawziya Haroun (35) when they were tending their farms in the area of Tayarat, south of Tabit, and took them to an unknown destination.

Many farmers living in villages near Tabit stayed at home earlier this week, for fear of being attacked. The situation became tense after armed herders shot farmers in the area between Tabit and Hashaba on Monday. Three farmers were injured. Two others were abducted.

