Police surround Omdurman university to block protest

Police and security service have surrounded the main campus of the University of the Holy Quran and Islamic Sciences in Omdurman in an attempt to block a street protest, after students raised a memorandum to the administration of the university.

University of the Holy Quran and Islamic Sciences in El Thora, Omdurman (file photo)

Police and security service have surrounded the main campus of the University of the Holy Quran and Islamic Sciences in Omdurman in an attempt to block a street protest, after students raised a memorandum to the administration of the university.

The students have threatened to take the protest to the street in the event that the administration does not respond to their memorandum. Other students reportedly took up arms, such as machetes, and threatened to use violence against the protesting students in El Thora, where the campus is based.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga yesterday was Hamid Rahmatallah, the president of the Darfuri students and spokesman for the students’ forum of the university. He said that on Monday morning students handed a memorandum to the secretary of the dean of student affairs.

“But it was rejected. The students then gave the administration until 9am on Tuesday to respond to their demands, to improve the student environment. Or else they will go out on the street.”

Ranmatallah said that the university called upon the police and security service to mobilise. “In addition to this, about 30 other students who were armed with weapons and machetes threatened us with violence if we go out to protest.”

Drinking water, library

The student said that students at the University of the Holy Quran “suffer on a daily basis from a lack of services, drinking water, and health. And the libray in the university closes early in the day.”

Ranmatallah said that the university administration had ignored their demands in a previous memorandum the students raised. “Again today, the Office of the Dean refused to receive the delegation of students who made the memorandum.”

