Police kill man in Al Salaam Camp in Darfur

Police yesterday killed a citizen within the market of the Al Salaam Camp in El Fasher. Witnesses said the man was pursued by police and security forces from outside into the camp, where the police allegedly shot him in the head, killing him instantaneously. Displaced people were alarmed by the incident.

Police yesterday killed a citizen within the market of the Al Salaam Camp in El Fasher. Witnesses said the man was pursued by police and security forces from outside into the camp, where the police allegedly shot him in the head, killing him instantaneously. Displaced people were alarmed by the incident.Residents of the camp also condemned the entry of security forces and police into the camp and questioned their intentions, which they said could include arresting activists or dismantling the camp. The coordinator of the IDP camps in North Darfur, Omda Atem, requested that UNAMID carry out its mandated role of protecting displaced persons.

