Peaceful coexistence conference on Sudan-Chad border

A peaceful coexistence conference on the subject of the Sudan-Chad border will be held in the West Darfur capital of El Geneina in July.

A peaceful coexistence conference on the subject of the Sudan-Chad border will be held in the West Darfur capital of El Geneina in July.

The conference will be attended by the Governors of the four border states of Darfur, Ministers of Defence, Interior, Foreign Affairs, and the Federal Government Bureau.

West Darfur Governor Khalil Abdullah Mohammed Ali told reporters yesterday that the conference aims to promote peaceful coexistence between the communities on the Sudan-Chad border.

It aims to enhance security, trade relations, and economic and cultural agreement between the native administrations in the two countries on the border, with a view to resolve any conflict among the tribes that live along the border, Governor Ali said.

