Opposition present vision on Sudan’s future to junta

The Forces of Freedom and Change handed their comprehensive vision on the administration of the next transitional phase in Sudan to the Transitional Military Council (TMC) on Wednesday.

Participants in the Khartoum sit-in

The Forces of Freedom and Change handed their comprehensive vision on the administration of the next transitional phase in Sudan to the Transitional Military Council (TMC) on Wednesday.

The vision includes a “constitutional declaration” clarifying the powers, authorities and structures of the transitional period, administered by a Sovereign Council, a Council of Ministers and Legislative Councils.

Mohamed Naji El Asam, spokesman for the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) and member of the forces for Freedom and Change said in a press conference in Khartoum on Wednesday: “The TMC is not serious about handing over power to civilians”. He added “As time goes by, the powers of the military council are expanding, which is a great threat to the revolution”.

Khalid Omar, deputy-head of the Sudanese Congress Party, confirmed at the press conference that the forces will continue to work to transfer power to a civilian government with all its powers. He suggested transferring the negotiating sessions directly to the satellite channels.

‘Escalating tone’

According to Abbas Madani, press representative of the forces of Freedom and Change, accused the military council of using an escalating tone that discourages partnership.

The SPA refused the resumption of study at the universities saying that the decision issued by the Ministry of Higher Education came at the request of the TMC, pointing out that the function of the army is the extension of internal and external security.

According to the SPA “there is no continuity in the educational ladder without the dissolution of the security apparatus that threatens the lives of students and university administrators and deans of the faculties, and all those who proved of involvement with the former regime and the dissolution of all unions”.

