Opposition members detained in North Kordofan

The Sudanese security service detained two members of the Sudanese Congress Party in El Obeid, North Kordofan, on Friday, at a political rally.

The Sudanese security service detained two members of the Sudanese Congress Party in El Obeid, North Kordofan, on Friday, at a political rally.

Mohamed El Fateh Hasab Elnabi and Hafiz Irebi were taken to an unknown destination, the party's political secretary Bakri Yousif told Radio Dabanga.

“A large number of security forces arrived at a mass rally of the SCP, that was held in the city's grand market. They took Elnabi and Irebi under the threat of arms, after they had held a speech in front of the audience.”

Two weeks ago, the SCP has rejected the government's direction to hold a referendum on the administrative status of Darfur in April, and threatened to hold an anti-referendum campaign with other opposition parties.