Opposition forces welcome Sudan Call’s Paris communiqué

The Sudanese Professionals Association and the National Consensus Forces (NCF, a coalition of Sudanese opposition parties) have welcomed the final communiqué of this week’s meeting of the Sudan Call alliance of opposition parties and armed movements in the French capital of Paris, which confirms its withdrawal from all dialogue with the Al Bashir regime.

The Sudanese Professionals Association and the National Consensus Forces (NCF, a coalition of Sudanese opposition parties) have welcomed the final communiqué of this week’s meeting of the Sudan Call alliance of opposition parties and armed movements in the French capital of Paris, which confirms its withdrawal from all dialogue with the Al Bashir regime.

The Association has voiced support the option of the popular uprising, abandoning the AUHIP road map for peace, and stressing that there is no option of dialogue or negotiation with the Khartoum regime.

In a statement following the Sudan Call communiqué, the Sudanese Professionals Association welcomed the commitment of Sudan Call to the Declaration of Freedom and Change,  and their commitment to work on its development.

Democratic alternative

It reiterated in its statement that all the signatories of the Declaration of Freedom and Change are committed to the decision of the people “to overthrow the regime and dismantle its totalitarian corrupt institutions and establish a democratic alternative”.

The NCF appealed in their statement to the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North faction led by Abdelaziz El Hilu (SPLM-N El Hilu) and the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdelwahid El Nur (SLM-AW), the need to work together with the signatories of the Declaration of Freedom and Change and all its political, professional and civil components in order to reach an alternative system that connects the issue of peace with issues of democracy and social justice.

The Federal Umma Party (FUP), led by Ahmed Nahar, and the Middle Party for Change welcomed in two separate statements the final communiqué of Sudan Call in Paris.

In its statement, the FUP said that it provides “white hands” to all the political forces, especially the signatory to freedom and change “in order to overthrow the regime and achieve state citizenship rather than the one-party state”.

Sudan Call strongly welcomed the statement issued by the NCF, which lauded the outcomes of the recent Sudan Call meetings in Paris and called for moving forward with an opposition conference with the aim of building a front that includes the bodies of freedom change and the forces outside it.

United opposition front

Sudan Call head Arko Minni Minawi, replied in a separate statement: “The unity of the position of the opposition is a national duty, and the current situation requires working to attract different opposition groups in favour of the Declaration of Freedom and Change by forming a front that includes all shades of the opposition political spectrum”.

The statement appealed to all parties to build on the current opposition unit to agree to overthrow the regime and work to achieve a broader unity of all opposition parties under one platform according to a unified structure of consensus on time frames for the transitional period.

