Nyala murder protesters block Darfur road

People in Doma, north of Nyala in South Darfur, demonstrated against the killing of a university student in an armed robbery on Monday evening. By blocking the road that links Nyala and El Fasher on Wednesday, they demand more security measures and protection.
Traffic on the crucial transport road was disrupted by the demonstrators. South Darfur authorities intervened and set yp a meeting between representatives of the communities in the area and State Governor Adam El Faki on Thursday. El Faki pledged to provide security for the citizens, arrest the perpetrators and enforce the rule of law, according to a witness.
On Monday evening, armed robbers shot dead student Abdelgadir Ibrahim Mousa when he refused to hand over his mobile phone in Doma, 40km north of the state capital city Nyala.
A witness from the area recounted to Radio Dabanga that the robbers shot three bullets into Ibrahim Mousa’s head, instantly killing him, and fled after seizing his mobile phone. On Saturday evening, three men were shot dead in Nyala for their mobile phones too.
On Thursday, the Governor of South Darfur revealed a plan to finally lift Nyala of its curfew after this autumn. The curfew, as one of the security measures taken to curb insecurity in the summer of 2014, has been implemented for more than a year. El Faki added that the outlaws who commit crimes “will not escape from the hands of the state and will be arrested under the current security measures”.

People in Doma, north of Nyala in South Darfur, demonstrated against the killing of a university student in an armed robbery on Monday evening. By blocking the road that links Nyala and El Fasher on Wednesday, they demand more security measures and protection.

Traffic on the crucial transport road was disrupted by the demonstrators. South Darfur authorities intervened and set yp a meeting between representatives of the communities in the area and State Governor Adam El Faki on Thursday. El Faki pledged to provide security for the citizens, arrest the perpetrators and enforce the rule of law, according to a witness.

On Monday evening, armed robbers shot dead student Abdelgadir Ibrahim Mousa when he refused to hand over his mobile phone in Doma, 40km north of the state capital city Nyala.

A witness from the area recounted to Radio Dabanga that the robbers shot three bullets into Ibrahim Mousa's head, instantly killing him, and fled after seizing his mobile phone. On Saturday evening, three men were shot dead in Nyala for their mobile phones too.

On Thursday, the Governor of South Darfur revealed a plan to finally lift Nyala of its curfew after this autumn. The curfew, as one of the security measures taken to curb insecurity in the summer of 2014, has been implemented for more than a year. El Faki added that the outlaws who commit crimes “will not escape from the hands of the state and will be arrested under the current security measures”.

Photos below: commemmoration service of Abdelgadir Ibrahim Mousa in Doma, Nyala (Radio Dabanga)

Photo below: demonstration against the killing of Ibrahim Mousa on Wednesday 2 September (Radio Dabanga)

