North Darfur militiamen impose ‘passage fees’ on fleeing villagers

Militiamen in Tawila locality have begun to charge ‘passage fees’ from people fleeing bombardments in northern Jebel Marra. Two people were killed in the area of Kunjara in East Jebel Marra on Sunday.

Militiamen in Tawila locality have begun to charge 'passage fees' from people fleeing bombardments in northern Jebel Marra. Two people were killed in the area of Kunjara in East Jebel Marra on Sunday.

“People riding donkeys have to pay SDG30 ($5), and people who want to go to Tawila on foot are charged SDG20 ($3.30),” one of the victims reported to Radio Dabanga.

“Lorries transporting people who fled from the hell of bombing have to pay SDG300, while small vehicles like pick-up trucks are charged SDG100 ($16.50).”

He added that “most of the people who, one way or another, managed to reach Tawila, are on the verge of death from thirst, hunger, or sheer exhaustion”.


In East Jebel Marra, two men were shot dead near Kunjara on Sunday.

“Militiamen in the area suddenly began to fire on a group of people,” a witness reported. “Idris Abdelrahman and Zakaria Abdallah died instantly. Two others ran and did not return,” he said.

“The attackers then seized their belongings and livestock, and fled.”

