NISS gags Sudanese journalist

The Sudanese National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) has banned journalist Mujahid Abdallah from writing in newspapers, in addition to being barred from the Omdurman satellite channel.

The Sudanese National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) has banned journalist Mujahid Abdallah from writing in newspapers, in addition to being barred from the Omdurman satellite channel.

On Sunday the security apparatus summoned the editor of El Ahram El Yowm newspaper Tarig Abdallah, and informed him of its decision to prevent the publication of any press material by journalist Mujahid Abdallah.

Mujahid told Journalists for Human Rights (JAHR) that he was prevented from writing because of an interview he had with the leader of the Popular Congress, Dr Ali El Haj.

He said that “The authorities are calling for freedom of expression and opening of dialogue on Sudan's issues, such as freedom of press and expression, while the security apparatus is banning a number of journalists from writing in newspapers and confiscating some newspapers.”

Mujahid Abdallah has already been stopped from work at Omdurman satellite channel on direct orders from the security apparatus.

