Night-time ceasefire ‘to improve security’ at El Salam camp, South Darfur

The police, the Sudanese Army and Unamid have met with the leaders of El Salam camp for displaced persons near Nyala, capital of South Darfur. They agreed to the need for a night-time ceasefire inside the camp and to curtail the threat of attacks against displaced people by pro-government militiamen.The move is designed to improve security both inside and outside the camp. Radio Dabanga receives frequent reports of attacks, robberies and assaults – usually attributed to pro-government militiamen – on displaced people, both within the camps, and in the periphery as they gather firewood, or travel to and from markets.The leader of El Salam camp, Sheik Mahjoub Adam Tabeldiya, explained to Radio Dabanga that the meeting on Monday included the Sheikhs of the camp, as well as representatives of the police, the army and Unamid. “It was mainly to discuss the security situation and what can be done about it” he said. “Displaced people’s suffering is increased by the lawlessness inside the camp, and especially the shooting at night, and the threat of attack.”Sheikh Tabeldiya told Radio Dabanga that the police and army delegates confirmed their cooperation in order to stop the shooting. Unamid called on the parties to be committed to the implementation of the decision.In spite of the decision, there was another shooting on Monday night. This time, however no one was injured. Tabeldiya expressed his hope that the decision “should be a real one and not just a political one that provides real security inside and outside the camp”. File photo: Sudanese police on patrolRelated:‘Repeated militia attacks’ on Girayda camps, South Darfur (2 June 2013)Militia attacks, diseases kill 10 in South Darfur camp (21 May 2013)‘Militiamen terrorise Darfur’s El Salam camp’: Sheikh (18 May 2013)Camp residents protest against repeated attacks and lack of protection, N. Darfur (28 April 2013)

The police, the Sudanese Army and Unamid have met with the leaders of El Salam camp for displaced persons near Nyala, capital of South Darfur. They agreed to the need for a night-time ceasefire inside the camp and to curtail the threat of attacks against displaced people by pro-government militiamen.

The move is designed to improve security both inside and outside the camp. Radio Dabanga receives frequent reports of attacks, robberies and assaults – usually attributed to pro-government militiamen – on displaced people, both within the camps, and in the periphery as they gather firewood, or travel to and from markets.

The leader of El Salam camp, Sheik Mahjoub Adam Tabeldiya, explained to Radio Dabanga that the meeting on Monday included the Sheikhs of the camp, as well as representatives of the police, the army and Unamid. “It was mainly to discuss the security situation and what can be done about it” he said. “Displaced people’s suffering is increased by the lawlessness inside the camp, and especially the shooting at night, and the threat of attack.”

Sheikh Tabeldiya told Radio Dabanga that the police and army delegates confirmed their cooperation in order to stop the shooting. Unamid called on the parties to be committed to the implementation of the decision.

In spite of the decision, there was another shooting on Monday night. This time, however no one was injured. Tabeldiya expressed his hope that the decision “should be a real one and not just a political one that provides real security inside and outside the camp”.

File photo: Sudanese police on patrol


‘Repeated militia attacks’ on Girayda camps, South Darfur (2 June 2013)

Militia attacks, diseases kill 10 in South Darfur camp (21 May 2013)

‘Militiamen terrorise Darfur’s El Salam camp’: Sheikh (18 May 2013)

Camp residents protest against repeated attacks and lack of protection, N. Darfur (28 April 2013)

