Newspaper confiscated by Sudan security

The national security service NISS confiscates another newspaper, El Sudani, in Khartoum, in a wide crackdown on press freedom since the electoral process.

Another newspaper in Sudan was confiscated on Monday for unknown reasons. The editor of El Sudani believes the security service seized the paper for writing about the abduction of activist Dr Sandra Faroug Kadouda on 12 April.

The newspaper’s editor said in an interview that El Youm El Tali newspaper was confiscated for the same reason on Saturday.

The confiscations happen against the backdrop of the electoral process, during which the security apparatus carried out a crackdown on the freedom of expression and press. Sudanile and Hurriyat websites reported to have been subjected to hacking last Sunday, while the Ayin website was hacked on Wednesday.

The Sudanese Journalists Association for Human Rights (JAHR) already denounced the continued curbing of the press freedom in a statement on Sunday. The situation of the media in Sudan is “the worst of the worst”, according to the USA-based Freedom House in its newest press freedom report.

