MP to question Interior Minister about insecurity in North Darfur

A member of the Sudanese parliament for North Darfur has demanded a hearing with the Minister of Interior Affairs about the absence of the judiciary and police in Kutum locality.
Nawal Abdelrahman Dagran said on Monday that she is determined to question Interior Minister Esmat Abdelrahman about the security vacuum in Kutum for more than three years.

A member of the Sudanese parliament for North Darfur has demanded a hearing with the Minister of Interior Affairs about the absence of the judiciary and police in Kutum locality.

Nawal Abdelrahman Dagran said on Monday that she is determined to question Interior Minister Esmat Abdelrahman about the security vacuum in Kutum for more than three years.

“The total absence of security services, the judiciary, and police in the locality has paved the way for criminals and bandits to do as they like,” she stated.

Dagran holds the former governor of North Darfur, Osman Kibir, accountable for the rampant insecurity in Kutum, accusing him of doing little to re-establish prosecutors, police and security forces in the locality.

She further demanded from the newly appointed governor, Abdelwahed Yousef Ibrahim, to “immediately form any mechanism to fill the existing security vacuum”.

