Mounting suffering and troubles for women day-labourers in Darfur

Many women of the internally displaced camps around El Geneina work in hard labour in the town. Most of the displaced women travel to El Geneina town to do heavy labour as construction workers, receiving low daily wages and without enough to eat. Other displaced women work to produce bricks, but they may have to wait days and weeks for the processing and sale of the bricks. The women working in El Geneina as day labourers described to Radio Dabanga their circumstances as ‘difficult,’ saying that work in their profession is ‘hard and cruel to them as women.’ They said, however, that there is no alternative other than to work as domestic help for other families, but these jobs are not easily found.

Many women of the internally displaced camps around El Geneina work in hard labour in the town. Most of the displaced women travel to El Geneina town to do heavy labour as construction workers, receiving low daily wages and without enough to eat. Other displaced women work to produce bricks, but they may have to wait days and weeks for the processing and sale of the bricks. The women working in El Geneina as day labourers described to Radio Dabanga their circumstances as ‘difficult,’ saying that work in their profession is ‘hard and cruel to them as women.’ They said, however, that there is no alternative other than to work as domestic help for other families, but these jobs are not easily found.

Radio Dabanga Photo of a labourer in El Geneina, West Darfur. 2010.

