Mother, daughter abducted in Darfur’s Sortony camp

A displaced woman and her infant daughter were abducted from near Sortony camp in North Darfur, currently home to tens of thousands of newly displaced residents from Jebel Marra, on Wednesday.

A displaced woman and her infant daughter were abducted from near Sortony camp in North Darfur, currently home to tens of thousands of newly displaced residents from Jebel Marra, on Wednesday.

Their three abductors took the mother named Ubada and her child to an unknown destination, the coordinator of the camps in Kabkabiya locality told Radio Dabanga. Ubada was collecting firewood 2 kilometres west of Sortony at the time of the abduction.

The coordinator demanded the authorities, Unamid, and humanitarian organisations to intervene to find and release the kidnapped.

Sortony camp is near the Unamid team site. The latest registered population number in Sortony amounted to 68,000 people who have fled from the fighting between the Sudanese army and the armed rebels, more than two months ago. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has not been permitted to conduct registrations in the camp since 17 February.

At the start of this month, militiamen reportedly gathered outside the camp, following tensions between members of militias and displaced people in Sortony.

