More than 150 students arrested in Nyala after protests

The number of people arrested by the police because of the demonstrations last Thursday in Nyala has reached to over 150 people, according to two activists who brought the information from police sources.

The number of people arrested by the police because of the demonstrations last Thursday in Nyala has reached to over 150 people, according to two activists who brought the information from police sources. The security service also is keeping an unknown number of the people in detention. A student activist said that the authorities have authorized the arrest of a number of graduates besides those studying in Nyala University. He affirmed that some students have been arrested in their homes. He also predicted that the number of known arrestees will rise given that most students are now keeping their cell phones off.

The activist called for the immediate release of the detained students and for giving them fair trials, and he appealed to human rights organization to put pressure on the authorities to reveal the places which the arrested people are kept and how they are being treated and how many people are detained.

