More than 10 people died from hunger, lack of medicines in Blue Nile State

According to the Sudanese Relief and Reconstruction Agency (SRRA) at least 13 people, mostly children and elderly, have died of food and medicine shortages in Blue Nile State between May and December.
Sodari Shamila, Head of the SRRA, established by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), told Radio Dabanga on Friday that the victims died in the area north of Wadaka.
They were among about 9,000 people who were displaced in May by internal SPLM-N fighting as well as the torrential rains. They fled from the areas of Samari, Marmiton, Tamfona, Jamanat, Goz Bagar, and Yabus to Wadaka, Santer, Gesees, and Mayaz.

According to the Sudanese Relief and Reconstruction Agency (SRRA) at least 13 people, mostly children and elderly, have died of food and medicine shortages in Blue Nile State between May and December.

Sodari Shamila, Head of the SRRA, established by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), told Radio Dabanga on Friday that the victims died in the area north of Wadaka.

They were among about 9,000 people who were displaced in May by internal SPLM-N fighting as well as the torrential rains. They fled from the areas of Samari, Marmiton, Tamfona, Jamanat, Goz Bagar, and Yabus to Wadaka, Santer, Gesees, and Mayaz.

About 240 people fled to the south, to the refugee camps in neighbouring El Maban in South Sudan.

“The people left behind all their belongings in the areas from which they fled,” Shamila explained. “They are suffering from severe shortages of drinking water, food and cover of blankets and plastic sheets.

“Their conditions are deteriorating. If these people do not receive humanitarian aid within two months, the situation will be intolerable,” he said, and called on relief organisations to urgently intervene.

Nuba Mountains

Shamila described the humanitarian and security situation in the neighbouring Nuba Mountains, as relatively better compared to Blue Nile State.

He pointed out however, that the current agricultural season has been significantly disturbed by the presence of government forces. “Large numbers of forces are stationed near the agricultural plains and mechanised projects of Dalamy and Azrag in Heiban and the plains of Um Sardaba in Umdorain. Many farmers have not been able to regularly visit their farmlands, which contributed to the partial failure of the agricultural season.”


