More Sudanese Baath Party members detained in Khartoum

Agents of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) detained seven cadres of the Sudanese Baath Party this week.
“After they detained Adil Khalafallah on Saturday, Ahmed Hassan, Abdelrahim El Sanjak, Mohamed El Motamad, Dr Abdallah Abulnajem, Abdallah Tarig and Bakri El Daw were summoned to report at one of the NISS offices in Khartoum too,” party spokesman Mohamed Dia’eldin told Radio Dabanga.

Agents of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) detained seven cadres of the Sudanese Baath Party this week.

“After they detained Adil Khalafallah on Saturday, Ahmed Hassan, Abdelrahim El Sanjak, Mohamed El Motamad, Dr Abdallah Abulnajem, Abdallah Tarig and Bakri El Daw were summoned to report at one of the NISS offices in Khartoum too,” party spokesman Mohamed Dia'eldin told Radio Dabanga.

“When they arrived there, their mobile phones were confiscated. The security agents then used the phones to log in on their own Whatsapp and Facebook accounts in front of them,” he said.

Like the Sudanese Congress Party (SCP) members also held in semi-detention, the Baath Party members have to report at the NISS office every day from the early morning until midnight.

Last week Baath Party activists started a campaign against the government by writing slogans slogans calling for the ending of the wars and a popular revolt on the walls of public institutions in the Sudanese capital.

Four leading SCP members were semi-detained in August. The party started a similar campaign last year by organising rallies against the ruling National Congress Party in public places in various parts of the country.

