More South Darfur displaced arrested in security campaign

The security service arrested six more displaced people in South Darfur’s Kass camp, accusing them of collaborating with armed rebel movements. 33 persons in total are now in detention according to camp leaders, and their whereabouts remain unknown. “However, the Sudanese authorities released four of the detainees on Thursday,” the coordinator of the camps in Kass locality told Radio Dabanga. “But we do not yet know in which places the arrested people are, and we know nothing about their state of health. Their families are concerned.” The campaign of arrests started last weekend, when the security apparatus detained more than 15 people in the Kass camps, under the pretext that they are affiliated with the Darfuri rebel groups. File photo: At the entrance of a secondary school for girls in a camp for displaced people in Kass locality, South Darfur (Nubian Knights)Related: ‘Random arrests’ continue in South Darfur (5 November 2014)

The security service arrested six more displaced people in South Darfur’s Kass camp, accusing them of collaborating with armed rebel movements. 33 persons in total are now in detention according to camp leaders, and their whereabouts remain unknown.

“However, the Sudanese authorities released four of the detainees on Thursday,” the coordinator of the camps in Kass locality told Radio Dabanga. “But we do not yet know in which places the arrested people are, and we know nothing about their state of health. Their families are concerned.”

The campaign of arrests started last weekend, when the security apparatus detained more than 15 people in the Kass camps, under the pretext that they are affiliated with the Darfuri rebel groups.

File photo: At the entrance of a secondary school for girls in a camp for displaced people in Kass locality, South Darfur (Nubian Knights)

Related: ‘Random arrests’ continue in South Darfur (5 November 2014)

