Misseriya and Nuwayba tribes clash in West Darfur

Armed clashes took place yesterday between the Misseriya and Nuwayba tribes in areas north of Artala and east of Sindu in Mukjar Locality in West Darfur. A local source told Radio Dabanga that he heard gunfire throughout the day. There were no accurate details about the casualties. The source added that the armed forces deployed between the two parties, with the Misseriya gathered at Wustani and El Ganaya while the Nuwayba gathered at Nyamatala. Mediators intervened to prevent the Misseriya from going to Nyamatala, yet the situation there remains tense.

Armed clashes took place yesterday between the Misseriya and Nuwayba tribes in areas north of Artala and east of Sindu in Mukjar Locality in West Darfur. A local source told Radio Dabanga that he heard gunfire throughout the day. There were no accurate details about the casualties. The source added that the armed forces deployed between the two parties, with the Misseriya gathered at Wustani and El Ganaya while the Nuwayba gathered at Nyamatala. Mediators intervened to prevent the Misseriya from going to Nyamatala, yet the situation there remains tense.

The fighting between the Misseriya and Nuwayba broke out in March of this year. Since then the conflict has seriously impacted the people of West Darfur. Thousands of people have fled from their home villages to nearby towns.

(Photo: A village in Darfur in 2004, by Mia Farrow)

