Minni Minnawi, Ibrahim Ahmed join forces

The two splinter groups announce merger seeking to overthrow the regime in KhartoumThe Sudan Liberation Army’s Minni Minnawi faction (SLA-MM) and the SLA in Juba led by Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim announced their collaboration on Wednesday.

The two splinter groups announce merger seeking to overthrow the regime in Khartoum

The Sudan Liberation Army’s Minni Minnawi faction (SLA-MM) and the SLA in Juba led by Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim announced their collaboration on Wednesday.A statement from the two movements said that the merger was a result of their collective belief in the importance of unity in the fight against the regime in Khartoum.

It also stressed that the unity will help in rebuilding Sudan again, now after the secession of the South from the North.

Dr. Al Rhaya Mahmoud, vice president of the SLA-MM told Radio Dabanga, “We seek to unite all the resistance movements in Sudan. The alliance of all the marginalized forces of Sudan can overthrow the Khartoum regime. The problem is not in Darfur but at the center in Khartoum.”

Various armed movements had expressed on Tuesday the need for an international investigation in South Kordofan and Darfur to establish the wrongdoings of the Sudanese regime.


