Minister: Bashir will not attend economic forum in Malaysia

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia, Hanifah Aman, announced that the Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir will not be attending the international economic forum which is set to be held on the coming Sunday. According to the Minister, Al Bashir will not be attending, as was expected, due to unexpected circumstances.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia, Hanifah Aman, announced that the Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir will not be attending the international economic forum which is set to be held on the coming Sunday. According to the Minister, Al Bashir will not be attending, as was expected, due to unexpected circumstances.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia, Hanifah Aman, announced that the Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir will not be attending the international economic forum which is set to be held on the coming Sunday. According to the Minister, Al Bashir will not be attending, as was expected, due to unexpected circumstances.The Malaysian minister said that Bashir he would be sending his Minister of Foreign Affairs to represent him. The announcement came after pressure from international human rights organizations calling on Malaysia to arrest Al Bashir upon his arrival to Malaysia and send him to The Hague in addition to some ministers in Malaysia saying that Al Bashir’s presence in Malaysia was not welcome, stating that Al Bashir’s visit would be an embarrassment to their nation internationally, especially in light of the fact the Malaysia wants to join the International Criminal Court in March 2012.