Military Intelligence arrests man in North Darfur

The Sudanese Military Intelligence arrested a man in Tawila locality on Wednesday. The reason for the arrest has remained unclear.

Sudanese military intelligence (file photo)

The Sudanese Military Intelligence arrested a man in Tawila locality on Wednesday. The reason for the arrest has remained unclear.

The 45 year-old Ayoub Abdelmajid was arrested at Bargo, 15 kilometres west of Fanga. A family member told Radio Dabanga that his arrest took place in front of the entrance to Bargo. “Members of the Military Intelligence stopped the vehicle he was traveling in with other passengers. They were on their way from Ruftaa to El Fasher.”

The relative said that one of the agents took him from the vehicle to the military garrison in Bargo.

He expressed concern that Abdelmajid might be subjected to torture or improper treatment and demanded his release.

In September, the Military Intelligence detained a man in Kass in South Darfur. His relatives expressed their concern that the detainee may be ill-treated and tortured.

