‘Military convoys destroyed in South Kordofan’: Revolutionary Front

Joint forces of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) claim that they destroyed eight Sudanese military convoys in the area of Trogi in South Kordofan, near the Sudan-South Sudan border. Col. Gadi Rmboi, the spokesman for the SRF, announced in a press statement that SRF’s joint forces of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) “destroyed and dispersed” the military convoys in a battle that lasted from the afternoon of 4 January until the afternoon of the following day. The eight convoys, led by “Janjaweed militia leaders” Mohamed Hamdan, known as Hemeti, and Bakhit Abdelkarim, known as Dabjo, were made up of “Sudanese Armed Forces troops and mercenaries from Chad and Mali”, the spokesman stated. “300 Land Cruisers mounted with machine guns and backed by ten tanks tried to enter the southern part of the Nuba Mountains. Our forces managed to completely break down these forces. 58 of the Land Cruisers were destroyed as well as one tank. 314 government forces were killed, including a colonel and a captain. Our forces also seized 24 mounted Land Cruisers and huge amounts of ammunition, weapons and supplies.”Radio Dabanga reported earlier that the Sudanese Border Guards commander, ‘Hemeti’, allegedly recruited 5,000 to 6,000 young men in Darfur to receive a military training in Khartoum. They were initially told that they would be sent to Darfur. Later they discovered that they were transported to war zones in South Kordofan.‘Dabjo’ is the leader of the JEM-Bashar faction that broke away from the mainstream JEM in 2012. The faction signed the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) with the Sudanese government in April 2013.Heiban/El AbassiyaArnu Ngutulu Lodi, the official spokesman for the SPLM-N added that SRF forces on Sunday destroyed another SAF convoy near Timbera village in Heiban locality. They pursued the fleeing army troops until the Tusi garrison. A day earlier, the SRF forces dispersed a military convoy in El Abassiya locality, in the north-eastern part of South Kordofan, Lodi stated. News photo (above): A T72 tank that was knocked-out during the battle Related:Rebels claim victory over army convoy in South Kordofan (5 January 2014) Relatives appeal for Darfuri youths recruited to fight in South Kordofan to return home (18 December 2013) Sudan training young Darfuris to fight in South Kordofan: recruit (9 December 2013) Militias recruit young Darfuris to fight in East Jebel Marra (28 November 2013)Sudanese Ministers welcome JEM-Bashar delegation to Khartoum (13 November 2013)

Joint forces of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) claim that they destroyed eight Sudanese military convoys in the area of Trogi in South Kordofan, near the Sudan-South Sudan border.

Col. Gadi Rmboi, the spokesman for the SRF, announced in a press statement that SRF’s joint forces of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) “destroyed and dispersed” the military convoys in a battle that lasted from the afternoon of 4 January until the afternoon of the following day.

The eight convoys, led by “Janjaweed militia leaders” Mohamed Hamdan, known as Hemeti, and Bakhit Abdelkarim, known as Dabjo, were made up of “Sudanese Armed Forces troops and mercenaries from Chad and Mali”, the spokesman stated.

“300 Land Cruisers mounted with machine guns and backed by ten tanks tried to enter the southern part of the Nuba Mountains. Our forces managed to completely break down these forces. 58 of the Land Cruisers were destroyed as well as one tank. 314 government forces were killed, including a colonel and a captain. Our forces also seized 24 mounted Land Cruisers and huge amounts of ammunition, weapons and supplies.”

Radio Dabanga reported earlier that the Sudanese Border Guards commander, ‘Hemeti’, allegedly recruited 5,000 to 6,000 young men in Darfur to receive a military training in Khartoum. They were initially told that they would be sent to Darfur. Later they discovered that they were transported to war zones in South Kordofan.

‘Dabjo’ is the leader of the JEM-Bashar faction that broke away from the mainstream JEM in 2012. The faction signed the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) with the Sudanese government in April 2013.

Heiban/El Abassiya

Arnu Ngutulu Lodi, the official spokesman for the SPLM-N added that SRF forces on Sunday destroyed another SAF convoy near Timbera village in Heiban locality. They pursued the fleeing army troops until the Tusi garrison.

A day earlier, the SRF forces dispersed a military convoy in El Abassiya locality, in the north-eastern part of South Kordofan, Lodi stated.

News photo (above): A T72 tank that was knocked-out during the battle


Rebels claim victory over army convoy in South Kordofan (5 January 2014)

Relatives appeal for Darfuri youths recruited to fight in South Kordofan to return home (18 December 2013)

Sudan training young Darfuris to fight in South Kordofan: recruit (9 December 2013)

Militias recruit young Darfuris to fight in East Jebel Marra (28 November 2013)

Sudanese Ministers welcome JEM-Bashar delegation to Khartoum (13 November 2013)


