Medicine prices expected to double in Sudan

Prices for drugs are expected to double in the wake of the recent economic decisions. Fuel prices soared after the government liberalised the fuel market. El Fasher and Ed Daein immediately witnessed significant price rises in transportation.

Prices for drugs are expected to double in the wake of the recent economic decisions. Fuel prices soared after the government liberalised the fuel market. El Fasher and Ed Daein immediately witnessed significant price rises in transportation.

The owners of pharmacies in the capital Khartoum expect medicine prices to double within days. Import companies have refused to distribute medicines in the wake of recent economic decisions that caused a spike in transportation tariffs.

Speaking to Sudanese newspapers, pharmacy owners pointed to a current shortage of a number of medicines now in the market, and said they are unsure how the prices will settle after the lifting of fuel subsidies by the government.


A trip of about 50 kilometres from Zamzam camp to El Fasher has risen from SDG10 ($1.55) to SDG30 ($4.65), a Sheikh in the camp for displaced people told this station. “Prices for all goods have risen, including water, as a barrel now costs 10 pounds.”

In Ed Daein in East Darfur, the price of a gallon of petrol has risen to SDG55 ($8.52). Meanwhile a ticket from Ed Daein to Bahr El Arab costs SDG70 ($10.85) after it used to be SDG30 before the Ministry of Finance lifted fuel subsidies last Thursday. A resident reported that a ticket to El Ferdous rose from SDG25 ($3.87) to SDG65 ($10.06).

In West Kordofan a gallon of diesel has risen from SDG20 ($3.09) to SDG25, a listener reported from Babanusa, and that the price for a gallon of petrol witnessed a similar increase to SDG34 ($5.27).

Tarrifs for all means of transportation also rose in Central Darfur, where one gallon of petrol increased to SDG45 ($6.97) and of diesel to SDG35 ($5.42).

Internal transport in El Fasher rose from SDG2.00 to 2.50. In North Darfur, petrol rose to SDG37 ($5.73) and diesel to SDG27 ($4.18). A publication issued by the Ministry of Finance in North Darfur has instructed the state localities to add transportation costs to the price.


The Sudanese Workers Trade Union Federation told Sudan News Agency (Suna) that the union plans to negotiate with the government and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning. Whenever there is an increase in the prices of electricity and cooking gas, it has to be coupled with an increase in the salaries and wages of workers, chairman Yusuf Abdelkarim said.

