Medical oxygen plant opens in Darfur

The Ministry of Health in South Darfur announced the opening of the first medical oxygen production plant in Darfur, with a capacity of 140 oxygen cylinders per day, with the support of the Sudanese-American Medical Association (SAMA) and the Sudanese Charitable Alms Organisation. Sudan’s the Federal Ministry of Health announced the registration of 66 confirmed cases of COVID-19, as five deaths from the virus.

COVID-19 isolation centre in Khartoum (Social media)

The Ministry of Health in South Darfur announced the opening of the first medical oxygen production plant in Darfur, with a capacity of 140 oxygen cylinders per day, with the support of the Sudanese-American Medical Association (SAMA) and the Sudanese Charitable Alms Organisation. Sudan’s the Federal Ministry of Health announced the registration of 66 confirmed cases of COVID-19, as five deaths from the virus.

Doctor Elyas Abakar, Director General of Nyala Teaching Hospital, addressing the inauguration ceremony of the factory on Tuesday, said that “the project was a dream come true for the people of Darfur”. He said that the production capacity is 140 cylinders within 24 hours, in addition to the ability to fill 110 cylinders within 24 hours, referring to the needs of the state and neighbouring states.

He pointed out that there is a big problem in the state’s hospitals, indicating that they have had a completely lack of oxygen, which has caused the loss of many lives. He raising the efforts of all supporters of this project, which put an end to the suffering of years, referring to the contribution of the state finance and the charitable organisation in the construction works.

In April, the federal Ministry of Health confirmed that a shortage of oxygen at hospitals in Sudan is compelling medical facilities to transfer patients between states.

COVID-19 in Sudan

Yesterday, the Federal Ministry of Health announced the registration of 66 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including seven travellers, including 39 cases in Khartoum, six in Northern State, five each in Nile River state and El Gezira, as well as three infections in North Kordofan and White Nile state, and one case of infection for each of the states of South Kordofan, and North and South Darfur.

The report indicated that five deaths were recorded, including two in the state of North Kordofan and one death for each of the Nile River state, El Gedaref and Sennar, and according to the report, the total number of suspected cases since the beginning of the pandemic has reached 85,796, including 45,805 positive cases.

