Man killed, hijacks in North and South Darfur

Militiamen killed a man in a gold mine area near Kutum, North Darfur, on Wednesday. Two government vehicles were hijacked in separate incidents in Darfur.

Militiamen killed a man in a gold mine area near Kutum, North Darfur, on Wednesday. Two government vehicles were hijacked in separate incidents in Darfur.

Three unknown gunmen shot and killed Adam Abdallah Musa at Hashaba, east of Kutum, a witness told Radio Dabanga. At 10 pm the gunmen, riding two motorcycles, opened fire in the Hashaba gold mine area and killed Musa on the spot.


On Thursday, eight gunmen hijacked a Land Cruiser belonging to collectors of the locality of East Jebel Marra in South Darfur. A source said that the gunmen opened fire from their vehicle on the road between Deribat to Kator. They shot Abu El Gasim Haroun and seized their vehicle.

A military force from the Kator garrison chased the perpetrators and found the locality's vehicle stalled near Falluja.

In North Darfur's Tawila gunmen hijacked a Land Cruiser which belongs to the locality, while it was en route to Dubo El Omda. They took it to an unknown destination, a witness reported to Radio Dabanga.

