Locust threat to North Darfur farms

Farmers from several localities across North Darfur are concerned at the emergence of locusts and watermelon bugs.

Farmers from several localities across North Darfur are concerned at the emergence of locusts and watermelon bugs.

In Mellit, Kutum, Kabkabiya, Dar El Salam, Tawila and Saraf Omra localities in North Darfur, the farmers have expressed concern over damage caused to agricultural crops.

They appealed to the authorities to intervene to combat the locusts and watermelon bug.

The Director-General of the North Darfur Ministry of Agriculture, Inaam Ismail, has acknowledged that the state has received reports on the emergence of pests in those localities.

Ismail said that ground control operations and aircraft spraying in all the localities where there are pests will begin over the coming days.

