Lawyers petition for release of Darfuri UN staff

The lawyers of the Darfuri activist who was detained by the security bureau, Hawa Abdulla , presented an urgent memo to the District Attorney who was recently appointed by the Minister of Justice to follow-up on the situation of those detained by the security bureau. One of the lawyers told Radio Dabanga that the memo was presented last week and has still not prompted any response. He said the memo made the demand that the lawyers be allowed to see their client, and know the circumstances of her detention, which he described as illegal. The lawyer also stated that they would meet with the head of UNAMID envoy, Ibrahim Gambari, on Tuesday to know the results of his talks with the Sudanese government on the matter.

The lawyers of the Darfuri activist who was detained by the security

bureau, Hawa Abdulla , presented an urgent memo to the District

Attorney who was recently appointed by the Minister of Justice to

follow-up on the situation of those detained by the security bureau.

One of the lawyers told Radio Dabanga that the memo was presented last

week and has still not prompted any response. He said the memo made

the demand that the lawyers be allowed to see their client, and know

the circumstances of her detention, which he described as illegal. The

lawyer also stated that they would meet with the head of UNAMID envoy,

Ibrahim Gambari, on Tuesday to know the results of his talks with the

Sudanese government on the matter.

