Killings, hijack, abduction in Darfur

A member of a “rescue team” was killed in East Darfur on Monday. A paramilitary of the Border Guards was stabbed to death in Nyala, capital of South Darfur. Militiamen hijacked two pick-up trucks in North Darfur’s Tawila. Last week, two people were abducted in El Malha by a group of Border Guards.
Speaking to Radio Dabanga from El Riad in East Darfur’s Ferdous locality, a listener reported that Osman Hamed was shot dead and two others were wounded on Monday afternoon, in a clash between cattle thieves and a local rescue team in the area.

A member of a “rescue team” was killed in East Darfur on Monday. A paramilitary of the Border Guards was stabbed to death in Nyala, capital of South Darfur. Militiamen hijacked two pick-up trucks in North Darfur’s Tawila. Last week, two people were abducted in El Malha by a group of Border Guards.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga from El Riad in East Darfur’s Ferdous locality, a listener reported that Osman Hamed was shot dead and two others were wounded on Monday afternoon, in a clash between cattle thieves and a local rescue team in the area.


In Nyala, a Military Intelligence officer stabbed a member of the Border Guards several times with a knife on Monday. “The victim died of his wounds on the street, in front of dozens of people who had left their houses to watch the quarrel between them,” an eyewitness told Radio Dabanga.


In Tawila locality, a group of militiamen intercepted two Hilux pick-up trucks carrying six vegetable traders from the Mortal market, near Khazan Tunjur, to Tawila town.

One of the affected traders reported that the attackers ordered the drivers and the passengers to disembark at gunpoint, after which they took the both vehicles to an unknown destination.   


Rahma Ibrahim Adam and El Tayeb Adam Bakhit were seized by a group of Border Guards, led by someone nicknamed “Douda”, in the area of Abu Geran in El Malha locality, North Darfur.

“They accused them of stealing their camels, and took them to an unknown destination,” a relative of the abductees said.

He expressed his concerns that Adam and Bakhit may be subjected to ill-treatment. He demanded the North Darfur authorities to intervene, “rescue their lives, and put an end to the ongoing abuses of the Border Guards”.

