Killing of two students sparks protest in South Darfur camp

Militiamen shot two students dead in a robbery in a camp in Nyala, South Darfur. The killing sparked a protest by the displaced people on Monday morning.

Militiamen shot two students dead in a robbery in a camp in Nyala, South Darfur. The killing sparked a protest by the displaced people on Monday morning.

Four “pro-government militiamen” entered centre 3 in Dereig camp and forced four secondary school students to hand over their money and possessions. The students replied that they were not carrying anything, after which the militiamen opened fire on them, a protester told Radio Dabanga.

Nur Suleiman and Arja Ahmed Salim were killed on the spot, while Abdalla Ibrahim Jalul was wounded.

Displaced people discovered the bodies and carried them in a mass rally towards the city of Nyala on Monday morning.

The protester said that a joint force of security service members and policemen stopped their march near Nyala Technical College. The Governor of South Darfur addressed the rally and vowed to arrest the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

Student attacked

A secondary school student was seriously wounded in Tawila locality, North Darfur, on Monday, when armed men opened fire on him. No more details about the incident are currently available.

A relative of Mubarak Abdelaziz Abdelkarim told this station that he was taken to the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) hospital. From there, he was transferred to El Fasher for better treatment of his serious injuries.

