Khartoum court wants the internet restored in Sudan

A court in Khartoum ordered the Sudanese Telecommunications Authority to immediately restore the internet. The military junta ordered the internet to be cut off three weeks ago.

A court in Khartoum ordered the Sudanese Telecommunications Authority to immediately restore the internet. The military junta ordered the internet to be cut off three weeks ago.

Lawyer Abdelazim El Hasan said he filed a suit in the court 10 days ago and the court ruled in his favour. The authorities can appeal the verdict of judge Awatif Abdellatif at the Supreme Court.


Economist Abdallah Ramadi said that cutting off the internet for three weeks caused severe blows to the economy as many companies rely on internet to do business. He explained that the internet blackout cost the state more than one billion dollars – about one per cent of the country's gross domestic production- so far.


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