JEM officially announces death of leader

The Justice and Equality Movement has officially announced the death of Khalil Ibrahim, leader of the movement, in an air strike in North Kordofan, said Ahmed Hussein Adam, advisor for external relations to Radio Dabanga. The advisor said Khalil Ibrahim was standing tall for the cause of his people and country, when he was killed by aerial bombardment by the government with the assistance of regional parties. The regional parties remain unnamed but will be announced at a later date. Ahmed Hussein Adam said JEM remain committed to all international conventions and treaties, and ‘will struggle to defend all the rights of the marginalized, the refugees and internally displaced persons, and uphold our relations with the political forces of the alliance of the Sudan revolutionary Front’.

The Justice and Equality Movement has officially announced the death of Khalil Ibrahim, leader of the movement, in an air strike in North Kordofan, said Ahmed Hussein Adam, advisor for external relations to Radio Dabanga.

The advisor said Khalil Ibrahim was standing tall for the cause of his people and country, when he was killed by aerial bombardment by the government with the assistance of regional parties. The regional parties remain unnamed but will be announced at a later date.

Ahmed Hussein Adam said JEM remain committed to all international conventions and treaties, and ‘will struggle to defend all the rights of the marginalized, the refugees and internally displaced persons, and uphold our relations with the political forces of the alliance of the Sudan revolutionary Front’.

