Incendiary attacks on homes of Sudan politicians

Last week, unidentified groups reportedly attacked the houses of several political activists and party cadres with Molotov cocktails. No injuries were reported.

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Last week, unidentified groups reportedly attacked the houses of several political activists and party cadres with Molotov cocktails. No injuries were reported.

The attacks are widely suspected to be the work of ‘affiliates of the deposed Al Bashir regime’.

In a statement, the Sudanese Congress Party confirmed that an unknown group attacked the home of the party chairman Sherif Osman, a member of the fieldwork Committee of the Forces for Freedom and Change, using incendiary bombs, in Khartoum on Friday evening.

The statement also verified that similar attacks occurred at the houses of member of the Sudanese Professionals Association Mohamed Sayed, a member of the Resistance Committee of the Kalakla Goba north, Ismail Hasan, and activist Nihal Omar, who had received previous threats from affiliates of the former regime.

No arrests have been made.


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Radio Dabanga’s editorial independence means that we can continue to provide factual updates about political developments to Sudanese and international actors, educate people about how to avoid outbreaks of infectious diseases, and provide a window to the world for those in all corners of Sudan. Support Radio Dabanga for as little as €2.50, the equivalent of a cup of coffee.


