Hundreds of displaced people start demonstration South of Khartoum

Several hundreds  of people demonstrated on Friday in Al Mayo, a large suburb South of Khartoum that is populated with displaced people including those from Darfur. In Nyala the authorities started a court case against 4 students allegedly leading the mass demonstrations in the past few days.
In Mayo Khartoum, after the Friday prayers, approximately 500 demonstrators started chanting and demanding President Omar al Bashir to step down.  They paraded from the Mosque but were quickly surrounded by a large group of riot police.

Several hundreds  of people demonstrated on Friday in Al Mayo, a large suburb South of Khartoum that is populated with displaced people including those from Darfur. In Nyala the authorities started a court case against 4 students allegedly leading the mass demonstrations in the past few days.

In Mayo Khartoum, after the Friday prayers, approximately 500 demonstrators started chanting and demanding President Omar al Bashir to step down.  They paraded from the Mosque but were quickly surrounded by a large group of riot police. The forces dispersed the group using teargas and sticks. Several dozens of demonstrators were arrested. Tens of people had to go to the local hospital for treatment after inhaling the gas. Amongst the arrested were several women. After being scattered some leaders told Radio Dabanga that they will not give up and will continue protesting the current regime until it will be changed.

Four Nyala students charged

In Nyala the authorities opened a case against four students for distributing pamphlets. They are charged for ‘undermining state security’ and ‘crimes against the state’, according to the lawyer of the students.  He told radio Dabanga that the prosecutor claimed to have ‘anonymous’ complaints filed to his office. He is afraid the complaints will be just a reason for the authorities to keep the students detained. The students were arrested after the Wednesday demonstration taking place outside the premises of the University of Nyala. The students arrested are Mohamed Ali Kilai, Said Adam Abdelmulah, Abdelrazik Abu Kilo and Habib Abdallah Yahya. On Friday the police surrounded Kalma camp with at least 22 cars to prevent a mass demonstration of people walking from the main camp to Nyala supporting the other demonstrations. According to sources of Radio Dabanga, the police had information the people would start a march after the Friday prayer. However, the demonstration did not take place.

22 arrested in Demazin

In Demazin the police arrested 22 people after they went to the UN compound for demonstrating against the government. After some hours, the authorities released seven, while then others remain in prison.


Nearby Al Mayo another demonstration had started of Sudanese who recently returned from Libya. The group blocked the main road between Wad Medani to Khartoum near the African University. They blame the government for being badly treated not receiving any support after their emergency repatriation from Libya.

