Heavy rains kill two boys, destroy 80 homes in Darfur

Two boys died in heavy rainfall that hit Central and North Darfur on Thursday. At least 80 displaced families in Nierteti, south-west of Jebel Marra, lost their homes.
“On Thursday morning, torrential rains and the ensuing floods in Nierteti led to the drowning of nine-year-old Ameer Yahya,” a Nierteti camp sheikh told Radio Dabanga.
“The rains led to the destruction of about 50 shelters in the northern Nierteti camps, and about 30 homes in the three southern camps, El Salam, Khor Ramla, and Garsila,” he said.
In the Zamzam camp for the displaced, south of the North Darfur capital El Fasher, heavy rains caused the death of Ahmed Adam (3) when the room his family were living in collapsed.
A camp resident reported that Adam’s mother and five brothers were injured and taken to the El Fasher Teaching Hospital.

Two boys died in heavy rainfall that hit Central and North Darfur on Thursday. At least 80 displaced families in Nierteti, south-west of Jebel Marra, lost their homes.

“On Thursday morning, torrential rains and the ensuing floods in Nierteti led to the drowning of nine-year-old Ameer Yahya,” a Nierteti camp sheikh told Radio Dabanga.

“The rains led to the destruction of about 50 shelters in the northern Nierteti camps, and about 30 homes in the three southern camps, El Salam, Khor Ramla, and Garsila,” he said.

In the Zamzam camp for the displaced, south of the North Darfur capital El Fasher, heavy rains caused the death of Ahmed Adam (3) when the room his family were living in collapsed.

A camp resident reported that Adam’s mother and five brothers were injured and taken to the El Fasher Teaching Hospital.

