Gunmen kill three

Gunmen killed three people in North Darfur, on Saturday October 20, Radio Dabanga has learned. Onlookers told Radio Dabanga that an unknown armed group killed three people in the area of Khazan Wada’a (Wada’a dam), North Darfur. They added that the attack left residents in panic and the perpetrators fled towards South Darfur. According to witnesses, local militias hunted down the perpetrators and killed one of them in the area of Karam Ji, east of Netega locality, South Darfur, and arrested the three other gunmen. The witnesses added that the situation is ‘very tense’ in the area. They expect the situation to escalate at any time as both armed groups are currently gathering crowds of supporters. The witnesses called upon authorities to intervene and prevent the situation from escalating, they added to Radio Dabanga.

Gunmen killed three people in North Darfur, on Saturday October 20, Radio Dabanga has learned.

Onlookers told Radio Dabanga that an unknown armed group killed three people in the area of Khazan Wada’a (Wada’a dam), North Darfur.

They added that the attack left residents in panic and the perpetrators fled towards South Darfur.

According to witnesses, local militias hunted down the perpetrators and killed one of them in the area of Karam Ji, east of Netega locality, South Darfur, and arrested the three other gunmen.

The witnesses added that the situation is ‘very tense’ in the area. They expect the situation to escalate at any time as both armed groups are currently gathering crowds of supporters.

The witnesses called upon authorities to intervene and prevent the situation from escalating, they added to Radio Dabanga.

