Gunmen kill fisherman in South Darfur

Armed men shot fishermen in Gireida locality, South Darfur, on Wednesday afternoon. One of the victims, a displaced man, was killed on the spot. Three others sustained injuries.

Armed men shot fishermen in Gireida locality, South Darfur, on Wednesday afternoon. One of the victims, a displaced man, was killed on the spot. Three others sustained injuries.

Two kilometres west of Gireida town, six armed men attacked four displaced men who went fishing at Rahad Abu Idresa on Wednesday afternoon. Some of the attackers wore military uniforms, one of the displaced in Gireida reported to Radio Dabanga.

“They opened fire and killed Abdallah Yousif on the spot. Musa Abdallah Ali and Safi Zakaria Adam were wounded.”

A group of camp residents went to the scene of the attack to pick up the wounded and the body of Yousif and bring them to a hospital. The incident has been reported to the police.

Cattle theft

In Tabit, in the North Darfur part of East Jebel Marra, militiamen stole about 150 goats from herders on Wednesday evening. A witness reported that a group of twelve militiamen on camels attacked the herders and took the stolen livestock in the direction of Numeira.

