Gunmen expel farmers from their lands in North Darfur

In Tawila locality in North Darfur, a number of villagers and displaced people have been expelled from their farms by gunmen in the area.

“We were cultivating our farms in the area of Gallab, when Shattiya Arab gunmen stormed the land, and chased us away at gunpoint,” a farmer told Radio Dabanga.

“They said that the land belonged to them, and threatened to kill us if we would return.”

In Tawila locality in North Darfur, a number of villagers and displaced people have been expelled from their farms by gunmen in the area.

“We were cultivating our farms in the area of Gallab, when Shattiya Arab gunmen stormed the land, and chased us away at gunpoint,” a farmer told Radio Dabanga.

“They said that the land belonged to them, and threatened to kill us if we would return.”

The farmer added that the same happened in Kolgi.

The Commissioner of Tawila locality, Adam Yagoub Jadeed, explained to this station that differences between the villagers and the Shattiya Arab over the use of farmland, housing, and grazing appeared last year.

“Nearly 70 years ago, the Shattiya Arab left the area and went to South Darfur. They returned last year, and are claiming the land. The case has been filed to North Darfur Governor Abdelwahid Yousif who decided to invite the opponents to a meeting in the near future to solve the problem,” he said.

