Gunmen demand ransom for East Darfur engineers

The gunmen that abducted two Sudanese engineers in East Darfur on 6 October have demanded a ransom for their release. Khojali Yousef Hassan El Tom, engineer at the East Darfur state Ministry of Planning in Ed Daein locality, and Ahmed Hamed Dud, contractor in the state, were abducted during Eid El Adha in Abu Sufyan. Ed Daein locality commissioner, El Taher Sharif, stated on Thursday that the offenders “exhibit signs of bargaining” for their release. They demanded a ransom of SDG 200,000 ($35,170) for the release of Ahmed Dud, and SDG 150,000 ($26,380) for Khojali El Tom. Sharif revealed that the local security service obtained information about the movements of the offenders. He added that the security has arrested more than eight people who are accused of theft and pillaging. File photo Related: Two engineers abducted in East Darfur (8 October 2014)

The gunmen that abducted two Sudanese engineers in East Darfur on 6 October have demanded a ransom for their release.

Khojali Yousef Hassan El Tom, engineer at the East Darfur state Ministry of Planning in Ed Daein locality, and Ahmed Hamed Dud, contractor in the state, were abducted during Eid El Adha in Abu Sufyan. Ed Daein locality commissioner, El Taher Sharif, stated on Thursday that the offenders “exhibit signs of bargaining” for their release.

They demanded a ransom of SDG 200,000 ($35,170) for the release of Ahmed Dud, and SDG 150,000 ($26,380) for Khojali El Tom.

Sharif revealed that the local security service obtained information about the movements of the offenders. He added that the security has arrested more than eight people who are accused of theft and pillaging.

File photo

Related: Two engineers abducted in East Darfur (8 October 2014)

