‘Gulf War protesters’ detained in Khartoum

Security forces detained ten demonstrators in front of the UN headquarters in Khartoum on Monday.
The protesters demanded disbursement of the money the UN reportedly sent to Khartoum to compensate the Sudanese affected by the second Gulf War.
Sudanese newspapers reported on Tuesday that ten demonstrators were held, including the chairman of the Committee of the Affected People by the Second Gulf War, Anwar Abdeljabar.

Security forces detained ten demonstrators in front of the UN headquarters in Khartoum on Monday.

The protesters demanded disbursement of the money the UN reportedly sent to Khartoum to compensate the Sudanese affected by the second Gulf War.

Sudanese newspapers reported on Tuesday that ten demonstrators were held, including the chairman of the Committee of the Affected People by the Second Gulf War, Anwar Abdeljabar.

According to the Committee, some 42,800 Sudanese have not received their due compensations so far. The members accuse “certain government bodies of manipulating the money sent by the UN”.

The affected Sudanese lost their money and property during the Iraqi invasion of Kuweit in 1990-1991.


