Govt. forces, protesters clash in Nyala, South Darfur

On Monday afternoon, angry citizens went to the streets in Nyala, capital of South Darfur, in protest against the killing of a young man by an element of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) at one of the city’s markets. Police forces dispersed the crowd. Reports reached Dabanga about the outbreak of clashes in the city this morning between protesters and government forces.
An eyewitness reported to Dabanga that a fierce argument erupted between the victim and one of the militiamen at the market on Sunday afternoon. “When the militiaman wanted to hit the victim, he took out his knife, upon which another militiaman took his gun, and shot him dead.”

On Monday afternoon, angry citizens went to the streets in Nyala, capital of South Darfur, in protest against the killing of a young man by an element of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) at one of the city’s markets. Police forces dispersed the crowd. Reports reached Dabanga about the outbreak of clashes in the city this morning between protesters and government forces.

An eyewitness reported to Dabanga that a fierce argument erupted between Ahmed Abdelrahman Mohamed Daoud and a RSF militiaman at the market on Sunday early in the afternoon. “When the militiaman wanted to hit Daoud, he took out his knife, upon which another militiaman took his gun, and shot him dead.”

“In response, angry citizens went to the streets in protest against the killing. When they began marching towards the residence of the state governor, they were forced to retreat by large numbers of policemen using tear gas and firing shots into the air.”

He added that in anticipation of more protests, the South Darfur state authorities sent military reinforcements to the centre of Nyala.

Multiple sources told Dabanga that large clashes between demonstrators and government forces broke out this morning. Details will follow in due course.

