Government searches homes in Fasher village, arrests 20

The government arrested 20 citizens in the area of Abu Zereiga south of El Fasher. The security forces also confiscated at the same time three cars during house to house searches. Abu Zereiga is located approximately in the area where governmet troops clashed with rebels since Monday.

The government arrested 20 citizens in the area of Abu Zereiga south of El Fasher. The security forces also confiscated at the same time three cars during house to house searches. Abu Zereiga is located approximately in the area where governmet troops clashed with rebels since Monday.The hunt lasted from noon until after sunset yesterday. The government soldiers also took more than 20 mobile phones from two shopkeepers in the market. The traders were Mohamed Abdu and Mohamed Bush.

Some of those arrested were interrogated. Witnesses said that the interrogations process was humiliating and accompanied by severe beatings and insults. Authorities did not give any reasons for such treatment. Radio Dabanga learnt the names of some of the 20 detainees from Abu Zereiga: Assadiq Sharif, Jumaa Nimr, At-Tayib Mohamed Adam Haron, Mohamed Osman and Saleh Juma Nur.

One detainee, Omar Khater Shaibo, was beaten and tortured in the extreme all over his body. The security then took him from the area and threw him in the road where he was found between Abu Zereiga and Zam Zam camp. He is in a deplorable state.